
Church is not a place. Church is not even the people. Church is the Body of Christ, at work in the world.  It is worship, it is the community in which we share our joys and concerns, and the center of our spiritual formation.  Church is the way in which Christ serves the world. Church is sharing in the sacraments–baptism and communion–as the ways in which we use common elements to recognize God’s loving grace, given to us.

City Beautiful LA is a faith community in which we believe that God is with us, for us, and refuses to be God without us.

We believe that faith is lived outside the walls of the church. Our concern is not with who we need, but how we can serve.  We believe that those who love God must be concerned with their community and the world.  As a church, we have committed ourselves to the ongoing struggle for justice in all forms, true Christian unity and inclusion, and the fulfillment of all people in God’s love.

Church is not a place. Church is the Body of Christ, and in this community, all people are welcome.

